Somewhere Out There (2007) Pilot Episode: John Hutchison, Ralph Ring, Jeff Behary

6 months ago

Pilot episode titled Somewhere Out There by Dominique Radwanski in which she and Rob Simone interview zero point energy researcher John Hutchison, flying saucer technician Ralph Ring, and electrotherapy museum founder Jeff Behary.

According to Dominique Radwanski, the pilot episode was originally going to be aired on the Discovery Channel but they wanted to edit out much of it and remove the message about rising consciousness.

The show starts off by visiting John Hutchison in his then Vancouver apartment lab where he recreates his famous Hutchison Effect.

The second interview is with Ralph Ring, whom is a technician for Otis Carr (protégé of Nikola Tesla) while they were allegedly building flying saucers.

The last interview is with Jeff Behary, the founder of the famous electrotherapy museum in Riviera Beach, Florida.

This pilot episode is rare footage that I had not seen until John Hutchison himself sent me the video.

Dominique Radwanski, the creator of the Somewhere Out There series, was found dead inside the waters of Georgian Bay in Ontario on January 6, 2016 after she went missing the night before. Her family said she had a medical condition, and the cause of death is still uncertain.

She was only 36 years old when she died and was 27 when she made the documentary.

The pilot episode was supposed to be aired on the Discovery Channel but they wanted to edit much of it out so that the need for raising consciousness was lost. She had interviewed 33 guests in total but the show was never given a chance...

Dominique Radwanski was well ahead of her time...

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