American Mix - 2 [Playlist]

9 months ago

American songs and a few comedy audio clips

Ain't i right - Marty Robbins
Ride on red ride on - Louisiana Red
The house next door - Delbert Dumbphucher
Dear Mr. President - The Big Reb
I found my girl in the good old USA - Jimmy Skinner
Dear Mr. Secretary - Happy Fats
Here I follow Johnny reb - Haven Haley
Politickin´pete - Guy Drake
Have you thought about freedom lately - Michael Quirk
The new Golfers - The Jigs
I Wish I was a nigger - The Lone Honkie
Still alive in 65 - Jim Nesbitt
The astro coon - Dixie Daddy O
Commie lies - Janet Greene
LBJ - Elbie Jay
Let's play people - Billy Joe Morris
More federal guidelines - Happy Fats
Number one man - Marty Martin
Little Cindy Ella - Bobby Wino

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