14th December 2017 supervised contact session between Ayrton, daddy & Gabrielle - hidden cam footage

4 months ago

This contact session is off to a very good start, with positive vibes from the very beginning. Gabrielle in particular, is rather electrifying & energetic throughout.

But before anything else, it's time for their mid afternoon snacks. & this time, daddy managed to get them a special type of tart that had been running out of stock at 1 of the local shops, & although he placed it right there in front of everyone, Gabrielle seems to have overlooked it. Ayrton ends up sticking his finger in 1 of them, similar to a an icecream stick, then to eat off it. Daddy also brought some Xtmas themed Muller corner yogurts that also sparked some interest from the social worker. He did so this time as a result of promising Gabrielle it, after she broke down in tears in a video call they had a few days before. Daddy also shows them a rather questionable but funny way to open their juice bottles.

Although daddy reported this event to the social worker, it had no weight in moving contact away from the contact centre & into the community, in addition to already having no basis to keep it that way, & bear in mind that Ayrton & Gabrielle had previously already shown rather distressing displays over having their time with daddy taken away. Instead, this oppression of 1 90 minute contact session per week & in an unnecessary setting that is rather unfavourable to Ayrton & Gabrielle in particular, continued for several more months.

Daddy wants to show Ayrton & Gabrielle a clip of Ayrton's school Xtmas show, but before he can do so, he has to ask permission from the social worker, despite their mum being the 1 with a record of allowing them to watch age inappropriate horror content, whilst daddy has no record for that. Mum's irrational behaviour's impact, is clearly seen when Gabrielle has a meltdown at https://youtu.be/Wjy7l2nqHb4?si=XuyvhmA8HSTj99TK . North East Lincolnshire's social worker then asks Ayrton if he opposes of daddy showing his show to Gabrielle, which is clearly a rather ridiculous attempt to make it look like, that daddy asking permission was due to some inability to consider Ayrton's feelings when showing that clip.

Gabrielle clearly enjoyed watching it, as she can clearly be heard singing along to songs on a show that she had taken part in the past, as she also attended the same school for several years, some of those at the same time as Ayrton did.

Daddy goes onto introduce a new table top game in this contact session, which gained interest from both Ayrton & Gabrielle. They all took part in assembling it, & by the looks also enjoyed doing so, with Ayrton mistaking the toy animal used with rats, which was also funny. The joy only seemed to increase throughout the game, as it is clearly heard & seen in this clip.

The remainder of this contact session was spent playing checkers/drafts with daddy guiding them both on rules, defensive & offensive moves across the board. It was chosen over chess, as it is a simpler game to learn.

Asides from daddy having to prompt Ayrton to focus on a couple of occasions, the whole contact session went rather well, with daddy meeting their needs, & also exceeding at his level of consideration, interaction, engagement, structure with both Ayrton & Gabrielle. Ultimately, it should've ensured progress with contact arrangements however, this wasn't the case, as North East Lincolnshire's children's services was prioritising protecting their integrity by ensuring contact remained in their premises in order to force daddy not to document it with his GoPro camera, over the positive development & general welfare of both Ayrton & Gabrielle, as well as promoting a more positive setting for their relationship with dad to flourish.

This equipment didn't manage to capture the whole contact session, therefore missing their farewell rituals.

This clip has no edits except the parts to conceal private body parts, because I want the original full length unedited footage of our supervised contact sessions to be published on this platform & Rumble, to help yall establish whether daddy + Ayrton + Gabrielle needed to be kept apart from each other or not.

Highlights have & are being published in clips of less than a minute across several social media platforms. We are working on a dedicated website at www.justice4abreu.online to expose the crimes, sabotage, fabrication of facts used to falsely justify Ayrton & Gabrielle being kept away from daddy to date.

Much more to come soon. Thanks for watching, please subscribe, specially as the most controversial content is yet to come, & there's plenty of it to be published.

#funwithkids, #supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #corruptsocialworkers #childabuse






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