G&T701 BADASS of the Week - by: Bobcat "Mike" Kelly - CHUCK YEAGER - Faster Than The Speed of Sound

10 months ago

G&T701 BADASS of the Week - by: Bobcat "Mike" Kelly - CHUCK YEAGER - Faster Than The Speed of Sound

Chuck Yeager - WWII Flying Ace - First pilot to break the speed of sound - Commandant of the USAF Aerospace Research Pilot School

Yeager lived in Grass Valley, Northern California and died in the afternoon of December 7, 2020 (National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day), at age 97, in a Los Angeles hospital.[126][127] Following his death, President Donald Trump issued a statement of condolences stating Yeager "was one of the greatest pilots in history, a proud West Virginian, and an American original who relentlessly pushed the boundaries of human achievement".

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