9 months ago

Rule number one: When engaging in conversation, try to see your reflection in the other person's eyes. This will give you an air of authority and make you more imposing.

Rule number two: When someone else is speaking, truly listen. And when it's your turn to speak, make sure they listen to you. Command their attention.

Rule number three: In moments of chaos, remain calm. Your clear mind will be your greatest weapon, ensuring your victory.

Rule number four: If someone insults you, don't let it get to you. Instead, silently lock eyes with them. They will feel your power and back down.

Rule number five: Smile with your eyes, not just your mouth. Let your eyes convey warmth and sincerity, making your smile more genuine.

Rule number six: Never rush to respond. Take a few seconds to gather your thoughts and respond accurately. Remember, silence is power.

Rule number seven: Walk with your shoulders back and your spine straight. This posture exudes confidence and comfort, making you appear more self-assured.

Rule number eight: Speak slowly and deliberately. This is a sign of confidence and assurance. Take your time to articulate your words, leaving a lasting impact.

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