Byrne at CSPOA: Living Through a Bezmenov PsyOp & Maoist Insurgency-w/Tina Peters,Oltmann,Migliaccio

10 months ago

Big news just received that apparently exonerates Tina Peters. We'll have to wait and see. Byrne goes over the Tina Petes' lawyer railroading her, Lindell case etc., see

A little choppy because I recorded at 2x and cut the recording back to normal. There was a video processing in the background taking forever that may have contributed too. Watch it at 2x and it'll be as clear as it was to me. I had a couple complaints about the fast recordings so I'll slow them down if it doesnt hurt the quality.

check the docs in one place at There's a bug that keeps unpinning the table contents, if you don't see them just log out and open the homepage.

#patrick byrne #cspoa #yuri bezmenov psyop #maoist insurgency #lindell SCOTUS case update

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