11 months ago

Today marks 44 years since Zimbabwe became an independent state - breaking free of the yoke of British settler-colonialism.

Independence came after a bitter and protracted armed struggle, waged against the racist regime of Ian Smith by two liberation movements: the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) and the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU).

In December 1979, the warring parties signed the Lancaster House Agreement, which paved the way for the country's first democratic elections. ZANU’s Robert Mugabe won those, and officially became the country's first post-independence leader on 18th April, 1980.

To commemorate that momentous occasion, here’s a flashback to when Mugabe put a condescending British journalist in his place. At an African Union summit during the late noughties, the ITN correspondent tried to get a reaction out the Zimbabwean president. Mugabe did not hold back.

Which of today’s African leaders do you think are equally ‘no nonsense’?

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