John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-20-2001)

10 months ago

U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft addresses the media while visiting Shanskville,, Pennsylvania. United Airlines Flight 93 hijacked out of Newark, New Jersey crashed here after passengers on the plane tried to get inside the cockpit. The hijackers then nose dived into the ground. Ashcroft states the investigation is still ongoing and will disrupt the organizations and individuals who helped financed the 9/11 plot. FBI Director Robert Mueller then address the media and compliments the FBI agencies nationwide in the largest investigation (PENTTBOMB) taken. They then take questions afterwards. (9-20-2001)

Note: Robert Mueller makes for the first time to the public that investigators have found black boxes were found at the pentagon from Flight 77 (The flight data recorder and voice recorder) although he states the voice recorder was badly damaged nothing could be transcribed from it. He also states the cockpit vice recorder and flight data recorder was found at Shanskville from Flight 93 were found and investigators are underway transcribing what was on it. No black boxes were found at all at either of the planes which impacted the WTC towers.

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