10 months ago

In this brief video clip, the author of 'The Creature From Jekyll Island',
G. Edward Griffin, shares why the Federal Reserve should be abolished.

If you'd like to watch the entire video, which is a 'must-watch' in my opinion, you can find it at the following link.


Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve:

"When I did my research on this topic I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve system does not need to be audited, it needs to be abolished.
The reason I say that is because if they audit the Federal Reserve system they would find out that it is doing exactly what it's supposed to do.. It's all out in the open...It's one of the greatest scams of all history. Out on the surface."

“It must be abolished for 7 reasons:

▪It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives
▪It is a cartel operating against the public interests
▪It is the supreme instrument of usury
▪It generates our most unfair tax
▪It encourages war
▪It destabilizes the economy
▪It is an instrument of totalitarian control

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