Salafi Jihadism & The Influencers (A Historical Viewpoint)

10 months ago

In this video, i give a full definition of what constitutes "Salafi-Jihadism", it's history and what influences it has in the current period within the jihadi organizations. The proponents of this ideology and their histories are also venerated by the adherents of this school of thought which is openly condemned by a majority of Sumi and Shia scholars and Muslims worldwide. Salafi jihadism or jihadist-Salafism is a transnational, hybrid religious-political ideology based on the Sunni sect of Islamism, seeking a global caliphate, advocacy for "physical" (military) jihadism and Salafi concepts of returning to what adherents believe to be "true Islam". I define these precepts from a number of different sources online and from my own perisomal studies into the matter and why it is relevant in the spectrum of understanding terrorist incidents like September 11th 2001.

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