Outspoken: "Gays Against Groomers": Is the LGBT Movement Being Used by Predatory Outsiders?

10 months ago

Jaimee Michell, founder of Gays Against Groomers, explores deeply her conviction, and her fast-growing movement's, that outside forces have been using the LGBT movement as a cover or proxy for an insidious agenda that is not organic to the vast majority of LGBT people, such as efforts to normalize pedophilia. She tracks the money flow from such groups as the Pritzker family, to support the formulation of "saving trans kids" which then leads to pressure to engage in transitioning surgery and taking (lifelong) hormones for "gender reassignment".

Michell makes the case that many vulnerable teens who would otherwise grow up to be gay and lesbian, but who are uncomfortable as they mature into those sexual identities, are being targeted by a destructive message that by just becoming "trans", this journey of adjustment to an adult sexual identity will magically disappear. "Save the gay" is the motto of her group, and she explains, persuasively, that "gender-affirming care" is the "conversion therapy" (a disgraced psychological intervention aimed at doing away with gay and lesbian attraction) of the present. She says that most LGBT people share her alarm at the actions of the extreme subset of trans activists focused on kids, though they are often silent because they fear cancellation.
As she puts it, "We want a divorce."

She discloses that groups such as Human Rights Watch and GLAAD - groups that began with the mission of simply defending the legal rights of LGB and later T citizens, face having to close their doors, or deal with declining donations, because, as she puts it, "We won." As a result of this business model, these groups seek ever-new claims of oppression, moving on, as she argues, to "save Trans youth" since equal rights for LGBT adults, as she asserts, have been secured.

Gays Against Groomers has been called an "anti-LGBT" group, despite the sexuality of its members. GAG calls itself a "coalition of gays against the sexualization and indoctrination of children", with the purpose "to protect children from harm being done in our name and by those who have hijacked our community".[4]

Watch and decide for yourself.

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