Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) didn't comment on these Baltimore murders

5 months ago

Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal was wringing her Vienna Sausage fingers over a mentally ill person in Perry, Iowa (who believed that XX could become XY & vice versa) shooting up a school. She felt really bad for the young person that got murdered that day.

I’ve challenged her (details at ) before to say something about all the murders in Fort Dodge & Waterloo, two cities in her state. She says nothing. I’d guess the color of the murderers & those murdered is too dark?

She said nothing about Kyle Rittenhouse, but had plenty to say about Fentanyl George Floyd. She said nothing when a Hispanic student was murdered at Des Moines East High School, I would also guess the color of those shooting up the parking lot was not light enough.

In the spirit of that (and I have done this before w/ various cities), let us give that fat little Hobbit Latifah Faisal some more children she can feel sorry for.

Dateline: Baltimore: 13 black children were murdered in Baltimore last year alone. For any Democrats listening, that’s more than one per month.

Last year in Baltimore, 19 children were murdered.

So far this year, 5 children have been murdered in Baltimore, 4 of those 5 were Black.

In 2022, 15 Black children were murdered & 20 overall.

Latifah Faisal, if you want to feign concern for dead children, there are a plethora of cities, usually really diverse, usually run by Democrats & usually full of black on black murder – if you want to screech about dead children, you can focus on those jurisdictions & it should keep you busy for a very long time.

What about young people like Mollie Tibbetts or Laken Riley – they’re not children but they are young people – I don’t remember you saying anything about them. If you did, do a video chronicling that.

If you didn’t, is it possible that their murders are not politically expedient & you support open borders? Just wondering.

Hey Latifah Faisal, how come >2/3 of all U.S. counties have <2 murders in a typical year & then you have a few hundred counties (like Baltimore) that are doing the vast majority of it? How come the vast majority of these United States can behave itself & a small portion of all counties are akin to a demilitarized zone? How does that happen Hobbit? Do tell. If you like this and/or you are a voter from Story County, Iowa – pass it along. Latifah Faisal is a dangerous nutcase that wants open borders & likely (although, she is afraid to comment) wants to end or seriously limit private gun ownership in Iowa. Vote her out in November! #faisal4story #faisal4storycounty #latifahfaisal

She's also a fan of Black Lives Matter, which completely ignores the fact that the most common form of murder in these United States is a black person murdering another black person. BLM also removed an anti-nuclear family screed from their website, they're literally pushing back against a child having 2 parents. So many black men are growing up dysfunctional because daddy is not around.

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