Our Journey to the Present Moment

9 months ago

May 11 - Our Journey to the Present Moment
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The journey we are will be taking today is not so much an external one, as it is but an internal one. It is a journey to a place we may have temporally forgotten, but in truth have never left. The present moment is our destination. The present moment is a place freed from past judgments and future imaginings. Free will is one of the main navigation tools that we have been gifted to help us reach our destination. When we are focused on judgment or anger, it feels like we are going against the current, one that is in opposition to our true nature. When we are in alignment with the Love that God is, with peace guiding our decisions, we feel like we are headed in the right direction, with the wind at our back. One focus weighs us down, blows us off-center and leads us astray. The other choice helps deliver take us to our desired destination.

Today, let us practice recognizing the signs that show us when we are in or out of alignment with the now. The present moment is an expression of Love, who is God. Thus anytime we are aligned with the now, we are aligned with Love’s expressions. Feeling peaceful, joyful, forgiving and kind are all signs of one who is in alignment with Love and the present moment. Feeling judgmental, angry, sad, stressed out, anxious, revengeful and hateful are all signs of someone who is buying into the ego's past programs and thus is out of alignment with the now. Today, let us not condemn ourself or others if we find that we are not being present. Instead, let us learn to recognize the signs of when we are out of alignment with the now, stop that line of thinking, align our mind with Love, extend that love in whichever ways the present moment is requesting, and by doing so correct our course.
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