The Gift Within the Present Moment

9 months ago

May 10 - The Gift Within the Present Moment
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How many times have you experienced challenging days, only to come out stronger and wiser because of them? How many times have you surrendered to judgment and anger, and still eventually found forgiveness and compassion where you once thought there was none to give? Wouldn’t you be grateful for someone or something that made you a stronger and wiser person? Wouldn’t you want to thank those who helped you find forgiveness and compassion in areas of your life where you once believed that there was none to offer? If you can be grateful for all of the above after the fact, why not start trusting that gratitude can be the appropriate response to the now — to each and every moment and interaction? When appreciation becomes your response to the now, you are experiencing the moment as God created it for you to enjoy.

Today, let us practice seeing the present moment as God’s eternal gift to us. When the ego is masking this understanding, we cannot see the now as the gift that it is. It is then that we experience such things as judgment, frustration, stress, anger, resentment, hate and revenge. Today, let us drop the ego’s mask and by doing so learn to appreciate the gifts that the present moment is offering us. When we see the present moment as the gift that it is, our response to it becomes gratitude. Gratitude, peace of mind, joy, forgiveness, compassion and understanding are all signs that we are seeing the now as it was created for us to experience and enjoy. Today, let us practice viewing the now through God’s eyes. Let us do so until gratitude becomes our response to every moment, person, place or thing.
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