HEADBANGERS BALL - EP 49 - No Time for Cowards

10 months ago

What's goin' on, Headbangers!? SGT Rock's Headbangers Ball is the No. 1 viewed weekly episodic Heavy Metal show on Rumble! I'm Erick Benhardtson, your host for SGT Rock's Headbangers Ball! Come on over and join us Veterans for the party up here on Freedom Hill, overlooking the beautiful Rappahannock river, broadcasting at 150,000 Watts of pure Heavy Metal power where the beer is always cold, the food is always hot, and the music is always loud. I am stoked with the lineup we have on this week’s show! SGT Rock’s Headbangers Ball is here, and MTV can eat their fuckin heart out!

Being a metalhead in a small town is a strange experience for some, not for me. I was raised on Ole’ Honk and Rock and Roll. I was in middle and high school in the 80s. The “Decade of Decadence”, the 10 years of Thrash. Kids like me listening to everything from Poison to Slayer. The posers vs. the hammers were a weekly thing at this venue called RC’s Skating Rink. The amount of both factions throwing hands in the parking lot was looked upon as a badge of honor. If there was a thrash band playin, the posers showed up, and they got mauled.

The poser’s show happened on Wednesdays. We’d go to them and raise hell and basically be a thorn in everyone’s side. We rarely came to agreement on music, but that was what brought us together, the music. Not all fights lasted a long time, because a deputy would show up and break it up and the only folks that got busted were the fat kids. They had no speed or agility. Putting this show together is an evolution of the music, where it began, and where’s it gone to recently. After I reviewed the show before loading it, giving it one last lookover in case I might have missed something, One song hit and all of those fond ass kickin memories came rushing back like a flood.

Funny turn in that history of mine, became best friends with a lot of the folks we beat down and got beat down by every week. Hey, if a guy says he’s 50-0 in street fights, he’s either Mike Tyson or he’s fuckin lyin…I’m sure it’s the latter. Like the old adage goes, you win some, you lose some, but the great thing is. When I went back to the small town I grew up in, those long haired badassed hooligans from both sides are the guys I hunt with. Brothers in blood, brothers through blood, brothers in rock and metal. And…yeah, after a few too many shots of Jager, on some far off land in Southeastern Minnesota, if you listen really closely, you’ll hear a fight going on while Metallica’s Kill Em All is being played on an 8 track boom box.

Don’t jump into the fray, do that and whoever does, is gonna have a bad day. Man, I miss those days! Greatest years of my teens!

Enjoy the show.

And on that note!

The Pool is always open! We're not always doin' business, but we're always open! The question is are you brave enough to dive into deep end and swim in the mosh?

Keep your horns held high and that volume knob cranked to 11! This is your…Headbangers Ball!

New shows every Saturday @ 1300 Eastern. Follow, Comment, Like, and Share

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