Telegram owner doesn't own jets, a yatch or real estate. Meet Pavel Durov as interviewed by Tucker Carlson. A must watch if you are against censorship!

10 months ago

The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. Its founder Pavel Durov sat down with us at his offices in Dubai for a rare interview.

Tucker Carlson – Episode 94: Interview with The Founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov

I am so happy Tucker did this interview..

FIRST off, while I and so many people were Deplatformed from literally every major social media platform for accurately calling out the Plandemic and the rigged 2020 election, Telegram gave all of us a voice.

It became the safe haven for millions of Americans who were silenced. And we built MAGA armies there comprised of people fighting back against the NWO.


Durov is an amazing person with a unique history growing up in Russia and Italy.

In 2011-2012– Russia requested VK to ban communications of the Russian opposition.
— Durov believed in free speech and he butted heads with them.
In 2013, the Russian government demanded private data of Ukrainian users who were protesting… from his first company VK
— Durov denied the request.
Durov was given an ultimatum…
— to comply with Russia
— sell stake in the company, retire as CEO, leave the country.
—— he chose the latter and later created Telegram.
He tried to go to Germany, London, Singapore, and San Francisco…. But due to bureaucratic hurdles, it was very difficult… he eventually found refuge in Dubai.

San Francisco in particular, he got attacked after visiting Twitters headquarters, and Jack Dorsey… Three guys attempted to rob him. The only country he was ever attacked in. America sucks…
— the FBI tried to infiltrate his company but installing backdoor access into their algorithms. 🤦🏻‍♂️
The MSM and deepstate claims Telegram is an extension of Russia propopoganda… that is false and designed to lead people away from people like MJTruth 😁
After January 6, Democrats sent Telegram a letter demanding data regarding persons involved with J6… Dems said if they don’t comply, they’d be in violation of the Constitution
—— Two weeks after, Republicans sent a letter to Telegram saying that if they give any user data to Democrats, they’d be in violation of the Constitution
Durov says their biggest struggles come from Apple and Google— and if Telegram doesn’t comply with everything, they could be deplatformed.
— the rules Google and Apple apply, is often wrong and politically motivated.
OVERALL, Durov sounds much like Elon Musk and he’s been a major champion for free speech. Much respect to this man after listening.

He’s gone through great lengths to make sure we have access to Telegram and he’s had major battles a lot of us haven’t even heard of.

He’s 100% in control of Telegram and wow… I’m just impressed with his Humbleness.

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