The Thinking Man's Pro Wrestling Podcast 78 - WrestleMania 40's Extreme Edition: ECW's Impact

10 months ago

The Thinking Man's Pro Wrestling Podcast 78 - WrestleMania 40's Extreme Edition: ECW's Impact

The Thinking Man's Pro Wrestling Podcast with Rusty Diamond and G Yeah That's Me - April 17, 2024

Catching up and reminiscing

Rusty and G dive into nostalgia, reflecting on past wrestling events and personal milestones, including G's daughter entering parenthood.

Video games and streaming setups

The duo explores their gaming interests and innovative streaming setups, sharing tips on creating captivating backgrounds for online broadcasts.

Wrestling memories and Paul Heyman

Memories flood as they recount attending ECW shows and praise Paul Heyman's genius in spotlighting underrated talent on the wrestling scene.

Health updates and sleep apnea

Serious topics emerge as one host opens up about recent health struggles, discussing asthma, surgery, and the necessity of addressing sleep apnea.

OJ Simpson trial discussion

The conversation takes a turn into the realm of current events as Rusty and G engage in a lively debate about the infamous OJ Simpson trial outcome and its broader societal implications.

Watch the video version on Rumble or YouTube and listen to the podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts! Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, and share. Visit Rusty's website: and connect with G on Facebook ( and his company, Thread Head Custom Clothing (

Also, explore other shows on The Rusty Diamond Podcast Network, including The Public Access Podcast, Saved by the Ben, and This Is It with Lizzy. This episode is sponsored by Hypnosis Is Great.

#WrestleMania, #ECW, #WrestlingLegends, #ExtremeWrestling, #WrestleMania40, #ProWrestling, #WrestleManiaMoments, #ECWIcons, #WrestlingHistory, #HardcoreWrestling, #WrestleManiaRewind, #WWE, #WrestleManiaFever, #WrestlingCommunity, #ECWRevolution, #WrestlingFans, #WrestleManiaEvent, #ExtremeChampionshipWrestling, #WrestlingHeroes, #WrestlingTalk, #ECWLegacy, #WrestleManiaExcitement, #WrestlingSuperstars, #WrestleManiaExperience, #ECWFans, #WrestlingIcons, #WrestleManiaNostalgia, #ExtremeWrestlingHistory, #WrestleManiaHype, #ECWReturns

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