I'm not here to convince you Jesus is coming; I'm WARNING you Jesus is coming.

9 months ago

I'm not here to convince you that Jesus is coming...I'm WARNING you that Jesus is coming. I was recently in Kentucky, at the Ark Encounter, on April 8th watching the eclipse...It may seem like nothing happened on Apr 8th, but I assure you it did. I bore first hand witness to the sign of Jonah from within the X of the two eclipses that formed both the Alpha and Omega in the Hebrew alphabet.

Jonah was the prophet that was swallowed by a whale, then raised from the dead to crawl out of the whale in front of a town of Ninevite Assyrians who all worshipped the fish god Dagon...so when they witnessed first hand a dead man rise again and overcome the manifestation of their false god, to preach to them that unless they repented or 40 days hence Ninevah will be destroyed THEY ALL dropped to their knees and repented.

This was the EVENT upon which two later SIGNS are built, that will be referenced by Jesus and Moses. In Matthew 12:38-41 Jesus is talking to the Pharisees of the time, but describing a wicked generation, that will come at the End of the Age of Grace, who will be SIMILAR to the Ninevites, only WAY worse...this last generation will be the MOST wicked the world will ever see, worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than before the Flood...WE are living amongst that generation...and we just received the sign of Jonah on 4/8.

The Pharisees, when they were surrounding Jesus and trying to trap Him and trip Him up, into breaking the Law with His words... they demanded to see a sign from Him. And when He answered, they didn't understand, because Jesus talked about the moderate future about events that hadn't yet happened, His crucifixion and resurrection...He said "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it, other than the sign of the prophet Jonah: for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth: the men of Ninevah shall rise in judgement with this generation, and shall condemn It: because THEY repented at the preaching of Jonah: and behold, a greater than Jonah is here." This was the first SIGN of Jonah.

On 4/8 I was at the Ark... (thinking about the BIBLICAL ark, it was a form of Exodus, another way to think about it is, the Ark was an ESCAPE, or God's protection/salvation from His judgement). Speaking of 4/8, a powerful confirmation of this is...let's go to the book of Exodus 4:8 It reads "And it SHALL come to pass, if THEY will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they WILL believe the voice of the latter sign."

I don't believe in coincidences...prophetic events described in the Bible are stacking up; and I believe April 8th was the 2nd and final sign of Jonah, for a wicked generation. Going back to Exodus 4:8 if you didnt believe the biblical account of Jonah, and you didn't belleve the first sign of Jonah that Jesus is the Messiah; it says "you WILL believe the latter sign". We just received that latter sign, on April 8th.

Recently it has been determined by some Watchmen, you know...how all the calendars have been messed up, and then Israel themselves didn't even follow their own calendars by starting months based on the sighting of the New moon, that Passover, which most Christians celebrate as Easter or Resurrection Day on or around April 1st...actually occurs this year on May 19th.

Will the Tribulation begin 40 days after April 8th, (which again, I don't believe in coincidences lands on May 18th, which is the 19th in Israel, the day before Passover). Will those covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, the true believers, get "Passed Over" by the Angel of Death ON Passover to escape God's judgement coming in the form of the 7-year Tribulation starting?

Remember, the sign of Jonah is a 40 day warning, that occurs leading up to Passover...that destruction is coming. And I believe the rapture of the church happens before that. (Read Luke 21:36 about those who will escape all tribulation).

Do you believe NOW, and will you accept Jesus's free gift of salvation, and that He paid for our sins past, present and future by dying in our place on the cross? Or, must you see the End Come before you will believe, and take the hard road? As I said, I am not here to convince you that Jesus is coming, Im here to WARN you that Jesus is coming. And Exodus 4:8 confirms this by saying "they WILL believe the voice of the latter sign"...whether that be by accepting Jesus NOW and accepting His free gift and escaping with me; or whether you get left behind to witness first hand His judgement come upon an unrepentant world.

Either way, you WILL believe. Don't run out the clock. Don't ignore all the signs. We don't know exactly when God is returning, we just see the signs and know the season we are in... it could be today. Choose wisely, and I pray that God has mercy on all that hear this warning.

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