7 Unknown Childhood Trauma Triggers

10 months ago

Childhood trauma is a deeply distressing experience that can occur during a person's formative years. This leaves a deep imprint on a person's psyche, often causing long-term psychological effects. Our goal is to shed light on the little-known, but potentially subtle, yet highly impactful triggers of childhood trauma.

In this video, we explore the complex topic of childhood trauma and its long-term impact on mental health. We investigate the depth of trauma triggers and how they may contribute to the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (CPTSD).

Hope it is useful. Thank You.

Author/Researcher: Sid Thompson
Manuscript editor: Michal Mitchell
Script manager: Kelly Soong
Voiced by: Amanda Silvera ( / amandasilvera )
Animator: Evelvaii@evelvaii
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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