Episode #126: DNA Research & The Book of Mormon W/Ken Peterson

10 months ago

One of the things that often rocks the testimony of Mormons is when the historicity of the Book of Mormon is questioned, and it appears that there are some conflicts between science and the Book of Mormon. The truth is however that usually what is thrown into question isn’t the historicity of the Book of Mormon itself but rather narratives that we as individuals read into the text. This is never more on display than when the issue of DNA raised as a critique to the Book of Mormon. I mean if the Book of Mormon is true and details the account of a Middle Eastern family’s settlement of a portion of the New World, we should expect that DNA from Middle Eastern people and some native American populations should match right? Well maybe not as much as you would think. Ken Peterson joins me again on the podcast to break all of this down. By the end I think you might find out like I did that many of the so-called conflicts between the Book of Mormon and DNA research are more conflicts between the narratives we read into the Book of Mormon and the DNA research then with the text itself.

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