COVID was essentially a foodborne illness: It did not kill metabolically healthy people | C. Means

10 months ago

Calley Means worked for food and pharma industries early in his career. Some of his examples of blatant conflicts of interest:

- They funneled money to civil rights groups who in turn said it was IMPERATIVE to keep Coca Cola on food stamps. They even said it was RACIST to take ultra-processed food and soda off food stamps. Today, ultra-processed is the number one item purchased with that program.

- The American Diabetes Association took millions of dollars from Coca Cola. In return, they said small cans of coke is a good choice for diabetics. (Soda has been aptly called diabetes water.)

- 80% of the funding of the American Academy of Pediatrics comes from the pharmaceutical industry.

- 11x more funding for nutrition research comes from the food industry than from the NIH.

- More than 50% of medical school’s budget touches pharma in some way.

- Pharma funds over 50% of TV news. This doesn’t just buy ads, but it buys what is discussed in the news (e.g. fear porn on ‘COVID’ and smearing patent-free early treatment) and, at least as important, what NEVER gets discussed in the news (such as vaxx adverse effects, unprofitable ways to prevent and treat disease).

“COVID was essentially a foodborne illness: It did not kill metabolically healthy people. There was no curiosity, no reporting on that. Of course, it was just the pharmaceutical solution that was talked about.”

- The ‘health’ care industry funds politicians with 5x more than the oil industry.

- The FDA receives 75% of its funding from pharmaceutical companies.

“Every single institution that impacts your health is incentivized for you to be sick and incentivized against you being healthy. That includes medical schools, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. An unemotional statement of economic fact is that there has been no more profitable invention in the history of America than a child with a chronic disease. They suffer and they rack up more comorbidities but they don’t die, they just suffer.”

They are now urging the prescription of anti-depressants, which are a lifetime drug, to TWELVE-year-olds.

“We need a president who will stand up to pharma lobbyists, who will stand up to corrupt pharma bureaucrats at the NIH and the FDA, we need a president who will say Less ozempic, more exercise; Less SSRI’s, more sunlight and healthy food.”


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