Being Grateful for the Signposts of Our Journey

10 months ago

May 1 - Being Grateful for the Signposts of Our Journey. May 1.
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Today, let us recall that because God is Love and All, even our judgments of ourself and others will be used by the Divine for a higher purpose. Understanding this, there is no need to punish ourself or others for being less than kind. Instead, let us follow God’s lead by seeing and using our judgment, anger and resentment as signposts on our journey Home. Let us see these energetic expressions as signs that show us when we are heading in the “wrong” direction. When we support any energy that does not help create a peaceful, joyful and loving life, then we are heading away from our true destination. Once we can recognize which energies and behaviors are leading us away from the truth within, we can spend less time supporting them, and thus less time suffering.

Today, let us practice recognizing that everything is helpful. When we do, gratitude — not judgment — becomes our response to everything. Love is our true destination and Home. But today, let’s not judge ourself or others for seemingly going in the opposite direction of Love. God, being Love, uses all for good. Thus God even uses our frustration, anger and resentment to help us realize that we are not going in the direction that we would like to go. Let us thank God and all those who, through their participation in our life, are helping us better see the dead-end roads that we are taking. The sooner we are able to see these signposts, the less time we will spend going in their direction, and thus the more peace and joy we will get to experience along our way.
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