Master your Emotional State

11 months ago

What if you could Master your Emotional State? Good news: there are simple and quick ways you can train yourself to do this.

A combination of changing the Internal Words & Pictures we hold in our minds, plus changing our physiology can give you more mastery over your emotional state.

Why is it that two people can have entirely different experiences of the same external event?

It all has to do with the internal interpretation (words and pictures in our minds) + physiology.

Athletes and performers who are at the top of their game understand this and work with their perceptions and physiology.

Try this little experiment:
-Bring to mind a recent moderately stressful event you experienced
-Remember how you felt about it, what happened, and stay there for a moment.


-Plant your feet firmly on the ground
-Stand up & stand tall
-Place your hands on your hips
-Pull your shoulders back and broaden your chest
-Raise your head and breathe deeply
-Adopt the “Superwoman” pose.

Now, turn your attention back to how you feel about that former stressful event. There is a 99.9% chance that your perspective has changed.

This is a small example of how you can start to dynamically, actively and intentionally change your emotional state.

The more you do this, the more you realize you are indeed in charge of your state. Once you start to KNOW this, all sorts of phenomenal healing, growth and change can take root.

Check out this video FMI on mastering your states and having phenomenal coping skills.

To Your Health, Vitality & Success! Lynn C. Cox, Abuse Recovery Coach at

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