041724 The Pre Trib Rapture - Door Closing Soon! by Carol Vey

9 months ago

The Pre Trib Rapture - Door Closing Soon!
Carol Vey
I’m always drawn to doors in scripture!! The word “door” appears in my Bible 247 times and is usually used to describe The Lord’s salvation or protection. Jesus said “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10:9). This means so much to me as I was “knocking” and the “door” was opened so many years ago. Although John saw an open door in Revelation 4:1, it could be closing at any time. The foolish virgins experienced this closed door when they were not ready, or didn’t know their Bridegroom. Enter through the open door today, believing that Jesus paid the full penalty for your sins when He died on the cross, was buried and rose again three days later.

Please consider subscribing to my channel, and feel free to provide feedback so that we can continue the discussion on this topic.

My email: carolvey.watching@gmail.com

Banner photo by Arielle Vey @ariellevey http://www.ariellevey.com/

Banner Logo and video logo animation by Adria Vey @draftandink https://www.draftandink.com/


Matthew 7:7
Genesis 6:16
Genesis 7:15-16
Genesis 5:24
Genesis 19:10
Exodus 12:23
John 10:7-10
Matthew 25:10
Revelation 3:8
Leviticus 7:35-36
Leviticus 8:1-3
Leviticus 8:31-36
Matthew 23:37
Matthew 24:31
2 Thessalonians 2:1
Isaiah 26:19-21
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Revelation 4:1
John 14:1-3
James 5:8-9
John 10:9

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my channel!! In 1993 I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. God gave me a miraculous testimony and has worked things together for good no matter what we were facing in life. God put this channel on my heart over two years ago after healing me of a long term alcohol addiction. I was procrastinating until the Corona Virus hit and God told me to “do it now”. After deep prayer and seeking God with all of my heart, He gave me an encounter regarding end times and the rapture of the church.

I live in San Diego County with my loving husband Darin, and am blessed to have my grown children and grandson close by. We attend worship services at Summit Church where I serve in Children’s Ministry.

Carol Vey

Summit Church

Arielle Vey Banner Photo

DraftandInk Logo and Animation


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