Vaccines & aborted foetal cells-Fr. Sean Sheehy with Louise Roseingrave 16-04-24

6 months ago

Vaccines aborted foetal cells & the Church-Fr. Sean Sheehy with Louise Roseingrave 16-04-24

Kerryman Fr Sean Sheehy shares his views on a range of controversial topics

APR 16, 2024

In this interview Kerryman Fr Sean Sheehy talks covid and the church, vaccines and aborted foetal cells, the personhood of a fertilized embryo and the disappearance of objective truth.

On my third day in Medjugorje, outspoken priest Fr Sean Sheehy was on the altar saying Holy Mass. I caught up with him afterwards and conducted the video interview below. It’s unusual to have a priest speak so openly about his personal views on controversial topics. In light of the RTE Investigates programme on abortion last night, I think it’s important readers keep in mind there may be more sinister reasons behind the agenda to extend the availability of abortion in Ireland beyond 12 weeks.

Here’s some introductory snippets. The full interview is posted below.

His disappointment in Pope Frances’ stance on vaccines:

“Taking medication is a personal choice for everybody, each person should decide for themselves whether they want to take it or not. To say it was an act of love to do that was actually buying into the cultural lie that this vaccine was going to prevent covid. “That was a big lie. Some people think that everything the Pope says in infallible, which of course it isn’t, so some people took it because the Pope said that. But he was totally out of his field when he said that. He was actually supporting the One World Order people who would love to control the world for their own evil purposes.”

On aborted foetal cell lines in vaccines:

“They used parts of aborted babies that went into these vaccines …which is totally anathema to the church.”

“There seems to be, among some of the leaders in the church, a weakening toward abortion because of course, it’s a big cultural thing in the sense that the culture promotes it under the guise of it contributing to women’s freedom. Which I think is the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on a woman, to tell her that killing her baby is going to make her free. That is actually the reverse.”

“So there has been a weakening there regarding condemning abortion. Even Pope Francis said at one point that there are other issues that we need to address. But a community is only as good as it reaches out to the most vulnerable member of it. To me the weakest member of the community is the baby in the womb, because it cannot stand up for itself, it is voiceless.”

On fertilized embryos (used in research and fertility treatments)

“A fertilized embryo is a human being. It’s a person. The fact is that what you are outside the womb is exactly what you are in potentia within the womb. If you are human outside the womb you are definitely human inside the womb. It (the embryo) has everything that this person will ever be.”

Are people entitled to children? (surrogacy):

“Children are not seen anymore as gifts from God. They are now seen as something I can choose to want or choose to get rid of. Almost like a car or a piece of property.”

“To me it is Satanic. Going back to the Garden of Eden, Satan said to Adam and Eve, you can be God’s, you can decide what’s good and what’s bad. And you know today, everybody says, you have your truth, I have my truth, there is no universal. I decide what’s right for me, you decide what’s right for you and when I decide what’s right for me it doesn’t matter how it affects somebody else. That’s what we have today, is people following Satan’s promise to Adam and Eve – ‘You can be Gods’.

“And what happens then? The great thing about the one God is there is hope of unity. But if everybody is God there is absolutely no hope of unity whatsoever.”

“My truth, your truth – there is no universal truth anymore.”

On covid protocols and family division:

“Spousal abuse quadrupled. Teenagers almost went beserk. Even children. One grandmother told me she had to wind herself up in plastic wrap to go and see her grandchild. And where you saw people, for example, who went to see a loved one dying in a nursing home and they were forced to stay outside. They had to stay outside looking at him or her, through a window.”

The closing of churches:

“It was disgraceful and sinful.”

Why did so few priests speak up?

“When a priest is told by his Bishop he must do something and for him to say, no I am not going to do that, he jeopardises his whole security. And you really have to have a sense of independence you see, I have to do what I believe is right. We were always told in school that you obey your parents until such time as they try to get you to do something wrong. Same thing applies here. If the Bishop tells me to do something wrong then I am obligated not to go along with it. Whatever the consequences are. I can sympathise with priests as well, but you see I was retired, I was independent, I could care less.”

“I did hear stories of priests going underground, providing the Mass and the Sacraments – like the Penal days in Ireland really and many did that. But many did not. Many just closed the doors and took off.” he said.

“A lot of it too, had to do with insurance. A theologian actually told me himself, he said the insurance companies wanted to close the churches in case somebody might sue the church if they went to mass and then said they got covid in the church, he said they could sue the church. So this was the best way to make sure everything was under control.”

On vaccine injuries:

“In America now, embalmers have shown clots in their veins. Totally abnormal. And they have all been vaccinated.”

Last night’s RTE Investigates programme drew much criticism from pro-life movements and politicians. The programme interviewed senior barrister Marie O’Shea, who was commissioned by the Department of Health to conduct a review of abortion legislation here in early 2019. As part of her report, O’Shea recommended the removal of a mandatory three-day waiting period between a woman’s initial medical consultation and her being given access to abortion treatment or medication.

Here’s some of what O’Shea told RTE Investigates:

“If you have to send somebody abroad, culturally and socially you’re framing it as a criminal and abhorrent act and that’s in a person’s head and I don’t think the electorate would want somebody carrying around that stigma,” she said.

In Ireland, terminations are only permitted beyond 12 weeks of pregnancy in strict circumstances.

“What I have said to the Minister of Health is that this 28-day [rule] is an absolute and utter nonsense. It’s cruel and it’s too prescriptive. It’s not good law and it leads people to be in absolutely profoundly sad conditions,” O’Shea told RTÉ Investigates.

When a foetal anomaly is detected, an abortion can only be carried out if two doctors agree, having examined the pregnant woman, that the condition affecting the foetus is likely to cause its death before it’s born or within 28 days of birth. However, since doctors cannot forecast the future, it appears this lack of clarity on a crucial issue may be used to further the abortion agenda.

Senator Ronan Mullen summed up the RTE show as a piece of ‘activist driven propaganda.’

“It was sad for its content, but it was truly shocking for its one-sidedness, its bias, its complete failure to depict another side of a very important and distressing story, its complete failure to hear from the representatives of the thousands and thousands of people who are opposed to abortion in this country.”

“They said that seven months of work went into producing their end product last night, I’d like to know exactly how much tax payers money was poured into producing what amounted to an activist driven propaganda piece.”

“Pro-abortion activism was to the core of this programme. Prominent actors centre stage and shockingly they were just depicted as simple experts. For example one Dr Jonathan Lord was described as a consultant gynecologist but no mention that he was Medical Director of MSI Reproductive Services, one of the largest providers of abortion in the UK,” he said.

Did you watch the RTE Investigates show? I’m interested to hear your thoughts

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