NPR CEO Channels O'Brien's Fingers from Room 101

9 months ago

Katherine Maher, the CEO of National Public Radio, revealed her inner O'Brien when discussing how there is no single objective truth. Her 1984 type blather comes directly from the Neiman Lab at Harvard whose guiding philosophy is something called "Solidarity Journalism" which has become the prevailing philosophy of liberal "journalists." Here are direct quotes about Solidarity Journalism taken directly from the Nieman Lab webisite (link at bottom):

"Solidarity eclipses objectivity as journalism’s dominant ideal."

“Objectivity as an aspirational ideal ends up encouraging journalists to avoid addressing what matters.”

"Aiming for objectivity as a way to resolve uncertainty, though, leads journalism far astray from its public service purpose."

"Striving for objectivity, then, leads journalism to a dead end."

Since Solidarity Journalism has been embraced by most of the mainstream media, it is no surprise that NPR's Katherine Maher and her cohorts have trouble handling the truth to the extent that they now sound straight out of 1984.


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