2 Jewish and American #funfacts of The Week Folklore Jewish, American, & Navajo

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Jewish and American #funfacts of The Week Folklore Jewish, American, & Navajo

Links used this broadcast:
Author of A Treasury of Jewish Folklore: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Ausubel

Author of A Sample of American Jewish Folklore :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josepha_Sherman

Online Library Link: https://openlibrary.org/books/OL5828931M/The_Life_Treasury_of_American_Folklore

Jews of China: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaifeng_Jews

Welcome Back Child Of The Most High Living G-D!
website: https://mariespeaksgodsgrace.live/
Ooooh, how I have missed our talks and time together. Although, the time off may not have been long in actual sense, for me time seem to drag on until well last week! Then I felt the rush of excitement that comes with every beginning of a new season.

Thank you to those returning, it has been a journey especially with all the updates and changes that tend to happen in the current, but not permanent (B’H) climate the world currently is in. Also, thank you to the new subscribers and followers. I do hope you enjoy the new season and whatever stage one is, please remember we all have to start somewhere and whenever in doubt, dismay, or wonder, ask G-d. Most importantly……….

My G-d, my Creator, my Father, and the True Love of my Life! 

Please know that everyone will truly be in our prayers.

And you all are loved and missed.

with love..,

#spirituality #christianity #rome325 #pagan #witches #witchcraft #sorcery #2024 #elections #TorahClub #torahforwomen #prayer #psalms #tehillim #meditation #hope #season6 #bookclub #books #school #homeschool #lastest #update #history #folklore #mtyhs #legends #navajo #dineh #dine #1stnations #losthistory #ancientones

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