英國政府將根據「絕對零」規則監禁吃肉的公民 UK Gov't To Imprison Citizens Who Eat Meat Under 'Absolute Zero' Rules

6 months ago



UK Gov't To Imprison Citizens Who Eat Meat Under 'Absolute Zero' Rules



The global elite are planning to close down all airports, ban the consumption of beef and lamb, and ban the construction of new buildings as part of a sudden and sweeping “quantum leap” to address the so-called climate crisis.

菁英們認為,在氣候危機解決之前,人類必須學會忍受苦難。 多久才能做到? 根據政府文件,我們正在考慮實施至少四十年的嚴重剝奪,包括禁止穿新衣服。

According to the elite, humanity must learn to suffer until the climate crisis has been dealt with. How long will that take? According to government documents, we are looking at four decades minimum of severe deprivations including a ban on new clothes.

但你不必相信我的話。 英國政府的一份文件白紙黑字地闡述了這些未來的恐怖,該文件概述瞭如果我們不團結起來推翻這些暴君,在世界經濟論壇獨裁統治下人類的未來。

But you don’t have to take my word for it. These future horrors are laid out in black and white in a British government document which outlines the future for humanity under the dictatorship of the World Economic Forum if we don’t rise up as one and overthrow these tyrants.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v4p8aec-uk-govt-to-imprison-citizens-who-eat-meat-under-absolute-zero-rules.html

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