Biggest Influencers use this all the time to become viral

10 months ago

🕑We as content invest HOURS if not DAYS making a single 40s piece of content

And if you only post it in one platform

You're wasting a X6 leverage

These are the platforms that we recommend posting on content mastery:

- Instagram
- Tiktok
- Youtube
- Facebook
- Snapchat
- Rumble

Remember the 80% of the results come from the 20% of your inputs

In this case. Focus on the distribution


The clips we present in content mastery are edited by us but the raw clip belongs to their respective creators.


#alexhormoziquotes #alexhormozi #scalingyourbusiness #businessinsider #wellnesscoachlife #wellnesscoach #fitnesscoachonline #mencoaching #mindsetcoachingforsuccess #lifecoachtips #gymcoaching #psychologycoaching #productivitycoaching #businessgrowthtips #contentcreationstrategy

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