The New Age Deception vs. Christianity

6 months ago

Speech advocated in April 2015.

Talks about:
1.Occult doctrine: Helena Blavatsky - Alice Bailey - Aliester Crowley
2.Judge Righteuosly / John 7:24
3.God created man vs. Man creates god / Transhumanism
4. One way to God vs. many ways / 1 Timothy 2:5
5. Prayer vs. meditation / Matthew 6:7 : "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do..."
6. 2 Corintians 6:14 & Genesis 1:4 vs. Yin-Yang
7.First Chicken vs. Egg ?

Hoshea 4:6 : "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge"

New age false prophets that I studied: Deepak Chopra, Michio Kaku, Ray Kurzweil, Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, Osho, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Neale Donald Walsh, Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne ... and many others...

They Sold Their Souls for Rock N Roll documentary:

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