Brainchipped Assassins (Like Baltimore Ship) Now Coming Out of Sleep Mode

10 months ago

People have been trying to warn the sheeple for decades... Look at Yuri Bezmenov and William Cooper for example.

People like Lara Logan and Redacted do not tell you who is behind the trouble in society... the Freemasons and other secret society Luciferians who worship their new Ai fake-god, Lucifer their dove.

So now the brainchip-hivemind that combines all the cyber-thUgs into a secret army are going to bring down Western Civilization.

And even now, sheeple cannot grasp that brainchips turn people into bio-robots to act as zombies and assassins.
Freemasons playing politics have been railroading the sheeple for centuries and now they can implant and remote control people to death:

But worry not... the Creator-God is on your side and wants to see your true colors shine brightly. Your task is to save the world.

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