STN President’s Message April 2024 - Who Are We?

9 months ago

As a longtime aficionado of musical theater, I have appreciated the corollaries that I have seen in theater in relationship to situations many of us experience in life. One of those corollaries occurred in Les Misérables. For those who may not be familiar with the story, the main character is Jean Valjean. Valjean is attempting to lead a normal life after 19 years of hard labor in a French prison. He was convicted of stealing a loaf of bread for his starving sister and her family.

After his release from prison, he unsuccessfully attempts to find work. He is ultimately taken in by a Priest. He is given shelter from the cold, food, and a warm place to sleep. Seeing an opportunity to make off with plunder from the church, he steals all of the valuable silver in the church and runs away in the middle of the night. Only to be caught and taken back to face the accusation of theft by the Priest. However, much to his surprise, the Priest gives him grace, trust, and love when he then also gives him not only the silver that he stole but the remaining two silver candlestick holders that he had missed. Valjean is given these words to follow by the Priest; “But remember this my brother, so you live some Higher Plan, you must use this precious silver to become an honest man.” He goes on to say; “… by the passion of the blood, God has raised you out of darkness. I have saved your soul for God.”

Valjean then experiences a period of deep and visceral prayer, where he receives the strength of God to change his life. But, in order to do this, he must take on a new life and name, Monsieur L’avare. Unfortunately, this means he must break his parole. As a result, he is hunted by a relentless pursuer Javert, to whom he ultimately shares the same grace that was given to him.

My point with all of my lengthy introduction today is to set the stage for who we are. You see, Jean Valjean spent the rest of his life resisting the torment of who he was. Was he Jean Valjean, Monsieur L’avare, or prisoner 24601? We have the same struggle at times. Are we capable and able to take on the tasks that we are called to do? We may question whether or not we have the ability, strength, knowledge, or time to do what we are called to do? These are the questions that many are grappling with today.

You see, we know where our mission comes from? We know that He puts us in places and situations that seem way beyond what we think our capabilities allow at the time. However, we need to understand that when He calls us, it is our duty to answer. He stretches us, but He also provides us with what we need to accomplish His mission. Our obligation is to tap into His knowledge, wisdom, and strength in order to complete His mission for each of us. STN is engaged on many fronts right now. We have a dedicated group of leaders who have answered the call. We are touching the lives of many. We are growing and will continue to do so with your help.

I simply ask for your help. That help can come in the form of your time, your skills, your financial support, or your input to move our mission forward.

Please recognize that you cannot and must not wait. The time is now; we have reached what, in my opinion, is a critical turning point in our nation and our world. I feel that without your engagement the pendulum may never swing back. I will implore you not to sit on the bench waiting for things to change, or someone else to step up. The time is now!

Jean Valjean used the grace given to him to change his life, to become a different person, to save, and change the lives of others. Although he had doubts and challenges throughout the rest of his life, he took the yoke that he was given by God and lived it each and every day for the rest of his life.

So, I ask you; “If not now, when? If not you, then who?” Perhaps it is time to ask Him; “Who am I?”, or better yet; “Who do You want me to be?” That leap of faith is a challenging one for some, but I can tell you from experience that it is a rewarding one!

Dr. Pfeiffer

Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today. He has no feet but our feet to lead us on the way. He has no tongues but our tongues to tell us how He died.

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