CHEMTRAILS FLOOD DUBAI! - Cloud Seeding Leads To Disaster As Weather Modification Floods Cities

8 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the flooding in Dubai, UAE as the scheduled cloud seeding causes black skies in the day and massive amounts of water shutting down streets as well as the airport. Weather modification has been happening across the board worldwide for years. The deadly practice under the guise of stopping "man made climate change" has been used to literally change the climate at the hands of man in order to change weather and drop poisonous chemicals on man and nature. As so-called "influencers" are caught in flooded streets in their Bugattis, many are calling to question why on Earth the governments of the world deem it necessary to manipulate the weather and cause dramatic storms. The notion of turning the desert into a wetland is absurd, yet globalists are utilizing weather manipulation techniques to drop rain in one place while causing a drought in another. Meanwhile, cloud seeding is just another form of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, also known as "chemtrails" where heavy metals are sprayed from nozzles of airplanes onto an unsuspecting public, leading to severe auto-immune issues as well as bad lung function caused by heavy metals. The practice has been used since World War 2 and is well documented on government websites, yet people still claim it's a "conspiracy theory." In this video, we explain why it's happening, the end goal and the continued attack on the food supply and the health of the public with heavy metals and chemical eugenics experiments.

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