Boy Hits Baseball Directly At Mom Behind The Camera

6 years ago

Baseball is classic American sport that despite many people saying is boring is actually perfect for those slow summer days. It is about spending time with family, eating way too many peanuts and playing some catch with dad or mom.

A boy and his father are playing baseball in the backyard, and mom isn’t worried…

The father is off camera pitching to his son. The boy stands by a makeshift homeplate and takes a few swings at the balls as they come toward him. He does not quite have his timing down but he is working on it. Of course, it would help if his dad’s underhand pitching was better, but you take what you can get. The mom behind the camera even makes fun of the dad a few times for how bad his pitching is. Interestingly, the origins of baseball can be traced all the way back to at least the 1200s in France when they played versions of bat-and-ball games, including one that involved someone pitching to a batter and then others competing to catch the batted ball.

But maybe she should have been! Ouch!

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