Neutrality Studies - How Netanyahu Tries to Drag US Into War With Iran

9 months ago

Neutrality Studies
Apr 16, 2024
How Netanyahu Tries to Drag US Into War With Iran
There is a line from the immortal anti-war poem i sing of Olaf glad and big, in which the protagonist, Olaf, a World War I–era conscientious objector who eventually dies in prison at the hands of the state, declares, “There is some sh*t I will not eat.”

The basic problem we confront in the Middle East today is that when it comes from Benjamin Netanyahu, there is nothing Joe Biden will not eat.
Biden has been the object of Bibi’s bullying for years.

Netanyahu delighted in humiliating then–Vice President Biden on the latter’s trip to Israel in 2010, announcing on the day of his arrival a massive expansion of “settlements” in east Jerusalem. At some point, one would think, it would become a question of self-respect, of manhood—for Biden to stand up to Netanyahu.

But no.

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