Israel's top general says Iran faces retaliationdespite calls for restraint | BBC News

10 months ago

Israel's top general has given the clearest indicationthat the country will retaliate against Iran, following itsmass missile and drone attack.

General Herzi Halevi, the IDF chief os staff, said that"the launch of so many missiles, cruise missiles anddrones into Israeli territory will be met with aresponse". It's not yet clear what form that response will take.

The United States has described the Iranian attack as"a spectacular failure". Around 300 missiles anddrones were fired at Israel but almost all were shotdown or failed to reach their targets. A handful evadedair defences but caused little damage.

President Biden and other national leaders have urgedIsrael to show restraint and to avoid escalation. Theyfear the crisis could lead to a wider war in the region.The White House has told Israel that the US will nottake part in or assist any counterattack against Iran.

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reportingby Lucy Williamson and Jeremy Bowen.

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