Buster's Joke (1903 Original Black & White Film)

11 months ago

Enter the whimsical world of early cinema with this side-splitting black and white film from 1903! In the first scene, Mama purchases crabs from a vendor, setting the stage for mischief. As Papa prepares for bed, Buster seizes the opportunity to play a prank, sneaking crabs into the bed. Watch as hilarity ensues when Papa discovers the unexpected guests and leaps from the bed in agony. The film concludes with Mama's tender care as she places Buster on a pillow on his chair for breakfast, the aftermath of a mischievous morning. Don't miss this timeless tale of family antics and laughter!

Source :
Outcault, R. F., Thomas A. Edison, I., Paper Print Collection & Niver. (1903) Buster's joke on Papa. Porter, E. S. U., prod United States: Edison Manufacturing Co. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2011600512

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