Episode #9 💥✌🙏 Lots Going On... 💥✌🙏

10 months ago

Dear Esteemed Listeners,
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for lending your ears to our discourse today. Your engagement, feedback, and support are invaluable to us.
I’d like to leave you with some follow-up links:

1.) NESARA GESARA Saint-Germain Liberation Of Humanity – Full Movie;
2.) How the migrants are getting through our laws: Human101.com Don’t believe it's working anymore!!
3.) Johnny Carson’s 25th Anniversary: https://youtu.be/9u7_R3JGkmw?feature=shared

In these challenging times, may divine providence safeguard you and your loved ones, guiding you through these turbulent waters with blessings aplenty. Let us unite in prayer, invoking the grace of God to shield us all. Amen.
Your suggestions for future topics are eagerly welcomed, as we strive to cater to your interests and concerns.

I wish to acknowledge the unwavering dedication of all steadfast Patriots who tirelessly disseminate news and information. At Unstoppable Patriots, we are committed to amplifying your voices and reaching a wider audience.
In this chaotic world, I am convinced that we are called upon for a higher purpose to enlighten those lost in confusion. Though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I firmly believe that our collective efforts will illuminate the path to a brighter tomorrow.

It is incumbent upon us to educate and awaken as many souls as possible. Together, we are making remarkable progress in this noble endeavor. Every individual deserves salvation and guidance toward truth.

Should you wish to share any important messages with us for dissemination, please feel free to do so by leaving a comment or reaching out to us directly at the following links:
In conclusion, I extend my deepest appreciation for your attentive presence today. May the blessings of the divine be upon every one of you.

Warm regards,
Website: Please sign up with us here so you never miss another update from us. https://www.UnstoppablePatriots.US

Carol Lee Brown:
DM: https://www.Facebook.com/envisioningutopia
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/CarolBrown747
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@CarolBrown747
Email: Carol@UnstoppablePatriots.US
Phone: 1-(423)-285-2771

Timothy Kines;
DM: https://www.facebook.com/timothy.kines.3
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/tk26mw
Email: timothykines@gmail.com
Phone: 1-(424)-533-0045

Carol Lee Brown
Founder of Envisioning Utopia®
Co-Founder of Branding YOUniversity®
Owner of UnstoppablePatriots.US
Timothy Kines
Co-Founder of Branding YOUniversity®
Co-Founder of UnstoppablePatriots.US
Website: https://www.UnstoppablePatriots.US

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