Checking out 8 Newly planted (ors, that me & sis rooted) Roses in my front yard's new flower beds!

8 months ago

...just when I finished filming the roofers went at it across the street @ my neighbors! !!!!!!Loud!!!!!

And FYI... my camera work today is a bit wonky! hahaha!
Thanks for watching all the way through!

I'm so excited for the cutting flower beds to come together out front!
wanted to share it with you!
I imagined there to be pretty flowers out front for my Neighbors to enjoy as they pass by and for me to pick and make bouquets with!
This weekend me and my sister planted 8 out of a 23 plant collection of poted roses that we started from cuttings... They are all needing to get out of there pots & into the ground... and now the process has begun!

No idea there names but they are all very fragrant & alll my favorite colors! mostly pink and salmon and some purple and white! A winning combo in my book!!!

So funny... I really never set out to have so many roses in my garden but when I discovered that I could propagate them from cuttings... I went nuts!
And here I am... with roses galore!!!

Next task is getting them all in the ground somewhere in the garden!

Wishing you the very best day... filled with joy & garden pleasures of your own!
Blessings & early morning Garden Hugs to all you lovelies reading this...!!! :-))

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