Of Competing Pink/Blue Flags - #Dontmesswithoutkids Olympia Capital, April 13th

10 months ago

Hundreds to a Thousand Mother and Sister Christian women came to the Washington State Capital to as part of a national group planning to descend on DC for an annual Christian National gathering to decry the denunciations of Christian Tradition by US federal government deference and recent anti-Christian rhetoric coming into public education systems (especially through the sexual education curriculum that they relay as being twisted to take parental rights away from parents).

The event lasted from 1-3 pm upon the Capital Steps of Olympia and was hosted by 2-3 rallies, 2 of which were knowingly in opposition to each other including an Antifa led "Trans-Rights" rally directly opposite the staging area on the grass-field where the thousands of Christians gathered to listen and chant hymns and prayers.

Thousands came as part of an effort to also expand the effort of parents and Christians in the US state of Washington to represent the views of Leading Parental Privileges in school curriculum matters including in the teaching of sexual education (to which many observe as harmful where it is used to directly attack their timing and insistence on abstinence stances for their 0-16 yo children).

The event was largely not political only with the insistence on specific issues relating to sexualizing of children in education and their wishes to expand their role in pressing for boundaries and preferences based on expansion of religious observation in WA state civics including governance.

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