A War of Words | Galatians 5:15

9 months ago

Are you caught in the crossfire of a battle over words?

Today, our call-out goes to Craig Rogers from Long Island, NY. Thanks for your encouragement!

But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another. — Galatians 5:15

This verse gives us new insight into all the issues Paul is trying to address in Galatia. The churches were engaged in a civil war. They were biting, devouring, and consuming one another with their words and opinions.

Conflicts and divisions can be disheartening in our family or in the church. Once they begin, they can quickly escalate, especially if our selfish motivations take control. This is precisely why, in the preceding verses, Paul emphasized the importance of love as a motive. In addition, Paul will guide us in a new, more loving way in the following verses.

But right here, we are reminded of the crushing and consuming power of words. The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is a lie. Words do hurt. They are weapons that wound, leave lasting scars, and permanently damage relationships.

When I was a child, I overheard a statement my biological father said one day to my mother one day in an argument. He was unaware I heard it, but I will never forget it. I remember every detail of this day because what he said left such a pronounced scar. From his truck, he yelled to my mother, "I don't want to spend time with him. You spend time with him!" and then he drove off. These words hurt and marked one of the last times I would spend time with him.

Give attention to your words today. Don't bite, devour, and consume people. Speak the truth, but say it in love. And if there is something you need to rectify, repent quickly before a nasty wound leaves a permanent scar in a relationship with someone you love.

#SpeakLife, #WordsMatter, #LoveInAction


Reflecting on your recent interactions, were there moments when your words may have unintentionally caused harm or division? How can you proactively seek reconciliation and restoration in those relationships?
Consider a time when you experienced the impact of someone else's hurtful words. How can that experience shape the way you choose to speak to others, especially in moments of conflict or tension?
DO THIS: Give attention to your words.

PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the wisdom and humility to speak words that build up and encourage, rather than tear down and wound. May Your love guide my tongue, leading me to reconciliation and healing in all my relationships. Amen.


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