Carnism Causes Cancer [ Science Says Go Vegan ]_HD

5 months ago

Decades of peer reviewed scientific studies from the likes of Cornell & Harvard have demonstrated the clear link between Carnism, and the most common human illnesses, such as Type II Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Cancers, and more. A plant based diet is shown to not only prevent, but to reverse chronic disease.

Meat-eating societies are the main cause of world hunger, because they feed a disproportionate percentage of the world's crops to 60 billion land animals slaughtered annually, by the meat & dairy industry, instead of the 6.5 billion human beings on Earth. A shift towards a vegan diet really would end world starvation, forever.

Eating animal flesh and secretions is a choice, not a necessity. So choosing to consume suffering, and supporting animal abuse, will inevitably lead to our demise. Eating animals is unethical, unsustainable, and is the leading cause of chronic disease. Make the intelligent and rational choice to go Vegan. For our animal friends, our health, & the Earth.

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“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

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