Level Earth _ Fact vs Theory [ Film feat. Eric Dubay ]_HD

10 months ago

'Flat Earth' as a term DOES NOT REPRESENT A MAP OR A MODEL, it's not an "Archaic Conception", but represents free thinking and an ongoing investigation and understanding of where we are, who we are, what we are, when, how and why.

Level Earth Syllogisms;

Water SEEKS and DEFINES Level.
Earth is 70% Water.
Therefore Earth cannot be a sphere.

Air pressure must be contained.
Earth has a pressurised environment (gasses, oxygen etc).
Therefore Earth is a contained system (no vacuum of "space" exists)

Lack of proof for the Globe Enthymeme;

1. No proof that bodies of water can display surface convexity.
Bodies of water always seek a level surface. Indeed the very meaning of water is aqua, even, level surface.

2. No proof that air pressure can exist without a container? Air pressure exerts force in all directions and requires a container for pressure to exist.

3. No proof whatsoever that two opposing pressure systems could exist side by side without a physical barrier.

4. No proof of axial rotation. We all experience a motionless earth and it would be an absurd appeal to authority fallacy to entertain Foucault's pendulum as any form of evidence, especially as 100,000's of tower crane specialist operators would have evidence.

5. No proof for the unseen force of gravity using the honorable and trusted scientific method.

6. No measurable curvature

Proofs from the Heliocentric Globe Cult:

CGI Images, Appeal to Authority Claims, name-calling, and insults.

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