Surah Al-Tawbah 12-15 But if they break faith after pledging it and revile your religion,

9 months ago

[12] But if they break faith after pledging it and revile your religion, then fight these leaders of unbelief, so that they may desist, for they have no regard for their pledged word.

[13] Will you not fight against those who have broken their oaths and conspired to banish the Messenger? They were the first to attack you. Do you fear them? Surely God is more deserving of your fear, if you are true believers.

[14] Fight them: God will punish them at your hands, and will disgrace them. He will help you to overcome them and heal the hearts of the faithful;

[15] He will remove the rage from their hearts. God will turn in His mercy to whom He wills. God is all knowing and wise.

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