The Role of the Extra Cellular Matrix and the Lymphatic System in Health and Disease

8 months ago

Hosted by Sofia Pistrila MSc, CNP

Sofia Pistrila explores two dynamic and vital influencers in underlying issues of health and disease. There are widely recognized foundations of professional interventions that play a part to resolve a client’s condition. In her research to solve complex and chronic diseases, Sofia discovered that attention to the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) and the Lymphatic System, had a profound impact on outcomes. Practitioners who have clients stuck on a healing plateau or who do not seem to improve from a disease state, will get a clear picture of the, many times unaddressed, controlling factors in fundamental behaviours and characteristics of biological structures and processes. Failure to look at abnormal ECM and Lymphatic System states, even within seemingly sound protocols, may leave the practitioner not having captured and corrected a vital aspect of the capacity to heal.

You Will Learn:
- Pleomorphism or the Terrain Theory
- What is the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) and its role in homeostatic balance
- What the link between ECM and Lymphatic System is, and to what extent their balance and functioning influences the health of our entire body
- How to recognize symptoms of ECM and Lymphatic System dysregulation
- Causes of the ECM and Lymphatic System disturbance
- A selection of remedies to balance the ECM and Lymphatic System

Sofia works as a passionate advocate and supporter of traditional and evidenced-based holistic health choices. She began her own healing journey from cancer to XXX, more than 17 years ago. Her drive to seek truth, in the deepest of healing using natural principles, led her to IHN. Now, with 15 years of clinical experience, the acquisition of advanced clinical training, and over 13 years of teaching experience in the field, she splits her full time (plus!) schedule between her private practice, teaching Symptomatology 2 at IHN, and mentoring new practitioners as a Co-op Placement Partner. Her expertise is in solving mostly chronically ill, autoimmune diseases and cancer cases.

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