Clinical Iridology Discover The Science And Practice Used Throughout Hospitals In Europe

8 months ago

On Wednesday January 26 IHN hosted a 1 hour webinar with Robert Tomilson where he took us on a journey through a fascinating exploration of the Iris and Sclera of the eyes. Observe how to detect weakness in the body long before it manifests as disease. Iridology is a quick, accurate, non-invasive and painless method of health analysis through the examination of the iris and a perfect “marriage” with any nutritional practice. The iris consists of tiny nerve fibers known as trabecula that reveal the body’s constitution, inherent weakness, level of health and the transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way they live. Discover how a simple step-by-step process can not only give you deep insights into various health issues, but also maximize your marketability and thoroughly impress your clients.

You Will Learn:
- Uncover underlying danger signs present in the body
- Pinpoint basic food intolerances
- Learn which digestive enzymes are lacking in the GI Tract
- Observe how to interpret emotional thought patterns in the iris
- Know the exact eating and digestive patterns for each individual
- Discover personality traits and how they relate to physical imbalances
- Learn how a simple step-by-step process can not only give you deep insights into various health issues, but also maximize your marketability and thoroughly impress your clients

Applied Iridology In Professional Professional

Robert Tomilson R.BIE RNCP

Robert is co-founder of The Institute of Natural Health Technologies (INHT) and the co-founder of BIE. Robert has completed extensive research in Clinical Iridology methods from around the world and has incorporated Sclerology and Pupil Tonus in his iris analysis for a more precise analysis for his patients. Robert teaches Applied Iridology in Professional Practice at IHN. He is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and has been in the natural health field for 35 years. His studies include: quantum and biophysics, Acupuncture, TCM, Homeopathy, Herbology, and Holistic Nutrition. He is a member of the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.

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