Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: It's time to be honest about the vaccine injured.

10 months ago

"If you die or get injured from a Covid-19 vaccine your average payout is $3700. I'd like to recognize someone in the room today is here: Brianne Dressen...She participated in a clinical trial, she was injured and then she was dropped from the trial for the Covid-19 vaccines. Her medical expenses are $433,000 a year...Dr. Marks, you admitted to her that vaccine injuries are real. Although you rushed through the authorization and now you've authorized the children should receive these vaccines and even babies as young as 6 months old. That is shameful...The NIH also saw miss Dressen for her neurological complications that have been quite severe. They studied her and then they dropped the study and asked her to be quiet about it. These are the real stories of the vaccine injured. They were totally, completely wiped off social media. There's been thousands of peer-reviewed medical studies, thousands of them studying vaccine injuries. They are real, people are dying, people are having heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and many other countries are dropping the Covid-19 vaccine and saying we shouldn't give them to children. It's time to be honest about the vaccine injured. And we need to stop allowing these Covid-19 vaccines to be given out to children."

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