Donald Trump Historic Criminal Trial -NOW THE END BEGINS-APRIL 15 2024

10 months ago

The United States will cross a historic threshold on Monday when for the first time a former president goes on criminal trial in a case laced with fateful significance because Donald Trump could be back in the Oval Office next year.
Far Left CNN reports that “Trump has already warned that if he wins in November, he will dedicate his second presidency to “retribution” and will use the powers of the presidency to go after his foes, including the Biden family. The moment Trump shows up in the courtroom on Monday will be one of unfathomable drama and a test for members of the pool of citizens who will be vetted for service on a jury like none other in American history.” CNN wants you to be very afraid as they dance with unbridled glee at the prospect of a Donald Trump imprisonment.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Two-Tier Justice System we have in America becomes more obvious and entrenched by the day. No, I am not saying that Donald Trump is not guilty of what he’s being charged with, but what I am saying is that Joe Biden, who is equally guilty, is not being charged. Why? Because he is Barack Obama’s third term ‘front man’, and as such is protected from all his various crimes. When Donald Trump says that, if elected in November, he will exact revenge on his political enemies, what he’s really saying is that he will act then as Joe Biden and his crew act now. Somehow, Liberals are appalled and offended by this. In addition to this, we look at what Israel may be planning to do to Iran, the probability of WWIII, Civil War, and the continued rise of the sprit of the coming Antichrist. Looks like another busy day here on the front lines of the end times!

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