4 Signs You're Faking Your Niceness & WHY

10 months ago

Are you faking your kindness without realizing it? If you've ever questioned your own authenticity or wondered if someone in your life is putting on an act, this is a must-watch!

Or are you tired of dealing with fake people who seem nice on the surface but make you feel skeptical? Understanding the motivation behind false kindness is key to understanding their true intentions. From our extensive research, we've gathered four signs of a fake nice person. It's time to reveal the mask and dig deeper!

Hope it is useful. Thank You.

Author: Syazwana Amirah
Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voiced by: Amanda Silvera / amandasilvera )
Animation creator: Gabriele Garcia
Production Assistant: Thomas Kang
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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