The CIA's Alec Station Deliberate Withholding Of Information From The FBI

9 months ago

Mark Rossini & Doug Miller, both out of NYC counter-terrorism, are on loan by FBI chief John O'Neill to the CIA Bin Laden Issue Station, code named "Alec Station". It is here that a pertinent cable from Dubai is faxed to the case officers at the station, which entailed that Khalid al-Mihdhar, a suspect in the 1998 East Africa Embassy Bombings; is arriving to the United States and has a valid US Visa. However when Miller drafts a cable to warn FBI headquarters , it is blocked form being sent by Michael Anne Casey, a CIA officer working out of the Yemen Hub ticket who was under orders from Alec Station Deputy Chief, Tom Wilshire. Rossini would protest to Casey the next day and is told not to share this data with his superiors at the FBI, Rossini is also threatened later with arrest. Director George Tenet would later give false testimony to the Joint House Inquiry, in which he would tell Senator Carl Levin, under questioning, that nobody had read the cable regarding al-Mihdhar at the station and does not know who is responsible for reading it, yet it was Casey who was the first to read it. along with 53 other CIA case agents later on. Rossini was quite eager in telling his side of the story with authors James Bamford and Lawrence Wright, that if he shared that information, it could have very well prevented 9/11 from even happening, even thou this is in hindsight.

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